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Power With Parenting

Meghan Brand Stauf • Feb 02, 2023

The Evolution of Parenting Styles

Every generation wants to improve on raising children. In the past, parents used corporal punishment. When I was growing up in the ’70s, in a middle-class, white family, beating a child was frowned upon, but a swat with a wooden spoon or a flip-flop kept some of us in line. My peers raising children in the 90s/00s realized physically harming a child was wrong. We had The Nanny putting kids in the “Naughty Chair” or other versions of time-outs. Parents used all these techniques to gain control, order, and peace in the household. 

Parents have the best intentions. Unfortunately, society pressures parents to “get control” of their children. When a child has suboptimal behavior, we look to the parent and ask what they are doing wrong. With corporal punishment off the table, parents struggle with gaining control. I have had many conversations with parents about how to get their children to do what they ask. In my personal experience in parenting, I found myself with strong emotions when my child didn’t “listen.” When gentle but firm limits were tested and broken, I found myself trying to instill harsher punishments. As my child grew and the stakes got higher, a pretty dismal vision of their future led me to seek a different way. In my search, I found the Jai Institute for Parenting and a deep understanding of Empowered Parenting. After going through the Transforming Parenting Course, I continued and trained to become a certified parent coach. The information I have now is the next step in the evolution of parenting. I hope to share my knowledge with as many people as possible!

My parent coach training taught me about the Parenting Power Continuum. Experts have developed three basic parenting styles,
Power Over, Power Under, and Power With parenting. It is very common and expected to find yourself in each of these dynamics on any given day. Empowered Parenting aims to strive for Power With parenting and to recognize and understand why you might fall into Power Under or Power Over. Daniel Siegal, the author of the Whole Brain Child, explains the importance of secure attachment for your child’s optimum brain development. Power with Parenting is the best way to achieve secure attachment. 

The Three Dynamics Explained:

Power Over Parenting - Authoritarian

  • Minimal Space for a child’s feelings, thoughts, or needs. 
  • The parent is at the top of the hierarchy; the child is at the bottom
  • Children must be trained to be “good”
  • Parents must rule with “rule with an iron fist” so their child does not turn out “spoiled or entitled”
  • The parent’s nervous system is in “fight” mode
  • Love and acceptance are conditional on a child’s behavior, achievement or success.
  • Parents act from fear and use fear to control their child’s behavior

Power Under Parenting - Permissive

  • Parents struggle with being present, physically or emotionally, and children are expected to “raise themselves” 
  • Parents may struggle to set boundaries. Feelings of overwhelm cause them to choose the path of least resistance.
  • Fear their child’s rejection or emotional abandonment, so they don’t say anything that will upset their child. 
  • Fear of conflict may keep them quiet
  • Fear they are incapable may cause them to hold back and not work together with their children

Power With Parenting is based on the parent-child connection with the idea that cooperation comes when a child feels safe. What sets it apart from past paradigms is that parents look beneath their children’s behaviors and into the deeper internal social-emotional and neurological development. The power with approach considers the individual needs of each family member. Instead of asking, “Why won’t my child do what I ask?” We consider where our child is developmentally and ask, “What does my child need to complete my request?” It also supports us in reflecting on whether the request itself is reasonable. When we use this approach, we set limits based on our core values that make sense for our family and the situation.   

A variety of reasons might get in the way of becoming an Empowered Parent. There is no shame, blame, or guilt when we fall into either
power over or under parenting. We are not “failing at parenting” when we do. The goal is to be aware, get curious about why, show compassion for ourselves, and reflect on how to build a connection with our children. A trained parent coach can create a safe space to help you explore other possibilities, untangle the complicated unconscious patterns and support you in finding solutions. 

For more information or any parenting support, schedule a time here:

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My Journey Let me tell you a little about my parenting journey. I am a mother of an 11 year old boy. I have known all my life that I wanted to be a mother. My favorite Christmas gift was a baby doll. I spent hours changing her, feeding her and gazing into her precious eyes. When I was 12 I began babysitting and seemed to have an innate ability to care for children. I have enjoyed a career working with children as a preschool teacher with an associates degree in Early Childhood Education. Observing and understanding how children perceive things, and figuring out the best way to help them thrive has been a lifelong passion. When the opportunity to adopt my son came about, both my husband and I were confident that I would know just what to do to help our boy thrive. And I did. Until our little spitfire reached the age of about three. I had trouble staying connected, I struggled to get my son to follow my directions and I was overwhelmed with the responsibility of working and caring for my son. I sought support and help from therapists, family members and teachers. However, as time went on my strategies were not working, things escalated and my frustration did too. The woman who was once praised as a preschool teacher for her patience couldn’t keep her cool with her own kid. In February 2018, realizing I wanted more career opportunities, I made the giant leap and enrolled in college to finish my bachelor’s degree. I chose a degree in Complementary and Alternative Health because I wanted to be in the best health to raise my son. Unfortunately, in March of 2018, tragedy struck and we lost my husband. My son’s anger and emotions were understandable but it made me scared. When the pandemic hit I was 6 months away from earning my degree, working as a nanny, overseeing the care of my mother-in-law’s affairs (who is in assisted living in another state), and caring for my son by myself. I was in full survival mode and my reaction to my son’s behavior seemed out of my control. That is when I came across the Jai Institute for parenting. It took me about six months to decide to enroll in the 24 week course. By the time I made the decision I knew the program could not only help me with my son but that it could help me utilize my education and passion for helping children and families. Now, I am very excited to share what I have learned because it has really changed my life. If we fast forward to October 2021 I can confidently say that I am no longer in survival mode, I have a rewarding career helping children and families and most importantly there are smiles, laughter, hugs and so much love between my son and I. He is a confident kid, who enjoys school, is cooperative and shares his thoughts and feelings. In this changing world I know we will be faced with challenges, but I feel confident that we have the foundation and tools to get us through. I will be forever grateful to those that helped me make the needed shifts in my parenting. It feels like a lifetime of cultivating and searching has landed me here as a certified parenting coach. Enrolling in the Jai Institute for Parenting and working as a coach was the best decision. Not only has my relationship with my son improved, it has helped me unify my early childhood education degree, my holistic health degree, my experience working in homes with children and families as a nanny, my experience as an adoptive, (and now single mother) and my life experience. All this puts me in a unique position to help families find what works for them. I believe that being a parent can be the most challenging and rewarding experience of a lifetime. We were not meant to face this challenge alone. It is my passion to support parents to make a shift toward connection and love. When they do, I believe their children will thrive as the unique beings they were meant to be. In turn, the human race will evolve in a healthy, positive way.
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For about three days I have had a deep feeling of sadness. I wasn’t sure why. What is causing this sadness? In the past I would have tried to ignore that feeling. I might have distracted myself with work, or scrolled social media in search of that dopamine hit, or searched for anything outside of myself to make that feeling go away. One of the tenants of conscious, peaceful, empowered parenting is that all feelings are welcome . With that in mind, I turned my phone off, I meditated, I sat with the feelings. When I did that I allowed the feelings to come to the surface. At one point the question wasn’t what is causing this sadness? It was what is not causing this. A pandemic, a dying planet, aging parents, missing my best friend... there is so much to feel sad about. I admitted that sadness was a very appropriate emotion at this time. Then, I went outside and felt the warm sun on my face. I thought of my son and how I was looking forward to picking him up from school. There was room for sadness and it didn’t overwhelm me. There was also room for deep gratitude. If I can do this for myself, I know I can teach this. All feelings are welcome.
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